- Recentemente ho subito un furto in casa e ho fatto regolare denuncia. I ladri per allontanarsi dalla mia abitazione hanno dovuto per forza attraversare un incrocio video sorvegliato ed io ho fatto presente la cosa, pensando che gli inquirenti si sarebbero dati una mossa a ottenere i filmati relativi. Ma nulla. Dopo molte insistenze mi è stato risposto che esiste la Privacy e non è facile ottenere questi filmati del traffico. Cosa mi consigliate ?

- Indirizzo e-mail per eventuale risposta: g*****@alice.it Consenso alla pubblicazione: Si - Salve, da maggio di quest'anno sto' ricevendo frequentemente sms provenienti sempre da numeri diversi ma sicuramente da rete fissa, dove non appare il numero completo. L'argomento di questi sms riguarda mia moglie che secondo questo amico lei mi fa le corna. e ho parlato con mia moglie e sono della sua innocenza. Vorrei rintracciare questa persona e digli di smettere. ?

- Buongiorno, sono un’iscritta alla vostra mailing-list e avevo intenzione di acquistare uno spray al peperoncino per autodifesa, visto che ultimamente è stato legalizzato. Ma ho letto un articolo su l’Espresso che mi ha molto scoraggiato. Scrivono che è una soluzione a basso costo, ma che suscita numerose perplessità. Aggiunge che la diffusione degli antiaggressione è stata criticata dall’Associazione Nazionale Funzionari di Polizia, perché potrebbe mettere in difficoltà gli agenti delle Forze dell’Ordine, costringendoli a indossare maschere antigas. Aggiungono – e non hanno tutti i torti – che per noi donne è improbabile trovare tempestivamente lo spray nelle nostre borsette in caso di aggressione e che la vittima potrebbe scatenare violente reazioni da parte dell’aggressore anche solo cercandolo. L’Espresso conclude scrivendo che lo spray potrebbe provocare decessi per asfissia se utilizzato impropriamente dai vigili urbani o dalle ronde, e snocciola una serie di dati in cui lo spray negli ultimi 15 anni è stato uno strumento più utile ai criminali (brigate rosse comprese) che alle persone come me in cerca di un rimedio alla propria insicurezza. Voi cosa ne pensate ?

- Salve! Mi chiamo Maurizio. Vorrei sapere come è potuto accadere che mi hanno derubato di alcune cose lasciate nella mia macchina senza lasciare alcun segno di scasso. Preciso che ho un’automobile superaccessoriata. È possibile che, con tutte le protezioni offerte dall’elettronica moderna, siano riusciti a “clonare” il mio telecomando ?

- Buongiorno, mi chiamo Ornella. Ho visto in televisione che è sufficiente inviare un sms spia per spiare chiunque sul suo telefonino. Sono preoccupata, essendo io un’utilizzatrice compulsiva del cellulare, capace di fare e ricevere ogni giorno decine di messaggini. Cosa posso fare per tutelare la mia privacy ?

- Salve vorrei sapere i requisiti per prendere la licenza di investigatore privato. premetto che purtroppo circa 11 (1997)anni fa sono stato condannato per detenzione di c.a 2 spinelli (la condanna c'è stata nel 2002) oggi naturalmente ho in mano l'estinzione del reato ma non sono sicuro se puo'incidere sulla licenza inoltre possiedo solo la licenza media ma ho delle conoscenze informatiche molto avanzate e ho anche delle conoscenze in tutti i comandi di polizia locale e delle forze di polizia grazie al lavoro che sto facendo tutt'ora. ?

- I often visit your site and I have came across your skill test about what it takes to be a private eye. I have done it and my score was over 100! But I thought that it is very easy to guess its answers, they are quite obvious. I have no intention to be a private eye, but I’m curious to know if, scoring 100+, I would have been selected by you. Nunzia. ?

- I often visit your web site, enjoy it every time and have been doing it for over a year now. A few days ago, I’ve watched one of your colleagues, Miriam Tomponzi’s interview at the Fabio Volo’s program. Ms. Tomponzi, who is a private eye, told she, with a dentist’s help, had a microchip placed in someone's tooth crown, so they control this person. This story made me very suspicious, because I have been seen a man, these last few months, and he has insisted a certain dentist, a friend of his, treated my teeth, so far he has crowned two of my teeth. I’m pleased with this dentist, also because my friend insists on footing the bill himself for my whole treatment. However, now that I’ve seen Ms. Tomponzi’s interview, I’ve been wondering if my friend has also done the same thing to me, since he is very jealous, and lately he seems to know immediately everything I say or do. Can you help me ?

- Hello. My name is Teresa, I am a law student interested in pursuing a career as a Private Investigator once I have finished my degree. Can you give me some advice on how to start working towards this profession? Your site is great, I really liked your “unpleasant surprise prevention” tests. I also liked the articles on anonymous harassers and violent partners, but I have to point out one thing: do you not think that the unfaithful partner test is a little too obvious ?

- I am a mother who is worried and I don’t know what to do. Approximately one month ago I hired a babysitter, to whom I have entrusted my two children aged three and six years. Lately I suspect that this girl is mistreating my children and not dedicating them the necessary attention. I spoke to her about this but she denied any lack of attention or mistreatment, my children on the other hand are quite exuberant and a little mischievous and they may have exaggerated in referring the behaviour of their childminder. I would like to avail of some small video cameras to observe her when she’s with my children but I have been told that this is illegal due to the privacy laws. What can I do ?

- I’'m being tormented by slanderous text messages that are being sent to my mobile phone, the sender of these messages often appears anonymous but sometimes an incomplete telephone number appears. What can I do to discover who is harassing me ?

- Hello, I would appreciate if you could give me some advice. I have been married for twenty-five years and I recently discovered that my husband is having an affair with another woman. I have tried to talk to him about it, but he denies everything and becomes violent. He tells me I’m crazy and that he’ll have me interdicted, he has turned my children against me and wants to throw me out of my home. I would like to have him followed, but I am afraid that this might make things worse, moreover, a friend has told me that separation due to the fault of another woman is no longer legally recognised. What advice can you give me ?

- Dear Agency, I am a small-scale artisan with five employees. Approximately one year ago one of my employees began taking sick leave, remaining at home for up to thirty days consecutively. The company doctor’s examinations didn’t amount to anything and I am sure that during his sick leave he goes to help his brother, who runs a restaurant. I came across your website and I know that you carry out investigations on absentee employees, but, when I spoke to my lawyer about this, he told me that it would be pointless having this person followed, due to the trade unions and worker’s rights etc…what can I do to prove the dishonesty of my employee ?

- Hello, I would like to know if you can help me. I recently lent my mobile phone to my wife for a few days and when she gave it back to me I discovered that some strange messages had been sent from her lover no doubt. I confronted her about this and she attacked me saying that there had obviously been a mistake, that she was going to report me for breach of the privacy laws, she also wants me to cancel the messages otherwise she’s going to leave me. I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some advice on how to behave in this situation ?

- Hello, my name is Emiliana and I’m from Pavia. I would like to take advantage of your forum to voice details of my age-old problem. I am a 65-year old woman and when I was two years old I lost my parents. With my two brothers I was initially sent to an institute and then adopted, but since then I have heard nothing more from my brothers. I tried to trace them on two occasions but I never succeeded in doing so. Lately I was told that with the new privacy laws it will become even more difficult for me to obtain information about them. What should I do ?